A Story… About How a Story Came To Be! Pt. 3

A Story… About How a Story Came To Be! Pt. 3

It's one year later. I'd been making notes and doing research on how these two lost cultures did/may have been connected. But to be honest, the story had cooled a bit. I wasn't actively working on it until...

Much to my surprise Suzanne booked a family vacation to Playa Del Carmen! Now I had decided to feature Tulum in the book, since I'd been there before and had a few stories to tell! ;)

However the absolute treat of the trip came after a only couple of nights at the resort, the kids went off with Suzanne to the show, and I chanced upon an artist poolside at the resort. There were others, but displayed behind this fellow, beside all the usual tourist art, was a bunch of original art pieces. I was captivated. I asked him "If I tell you story, can you paint me a picture of whatever comes to mind for you?" Well, Profiro Jimenez said yes, I spent maybe 20 minutes outlining the story and he began painting...

One of the most important things you need to know is that he used spray paint to make this painting! As he was painting, he asked me for more details, but I kept my answer the same... "I told you the story, paint what the story made you see! It took less that a couple of hours, but the final result...

Suffice to say it is and was perfect! After he was done, he told me that he was Mayan! And that the story spoke to him. Now while the Atlantis you may visualize win the book may be slightly different, nothing grabs me as much as this hand painted original. (It eventually became the cover for the book!)

and the story continues... 

#Mayan #mayanatlantis #mayanatlantisreturns #themillenniaseries #neilenock #profirojimenez

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